Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Folliage

This weekend, Poopsie and I went up to the cabin to do some winterizing. I'm glad I brought my trusty camera along. The leaves are just beginning to turn so we were treated to some marvelous scenery.

Every Fall I seem to have the same regret, "I should have spent more time at the cabin this summer." Sigh.

Love, Kelly


  1. Lovely photos. We are still waiting for the trees to turn here.

  2. I am so headed up the canyon today to see the inspiring post of beautiful photos!

  3. I cannot tell a of your leaf photos is now my Desktop Picture!!!!

  4. This comment is negative: I HATE the cold. These pictures, though beautiful, indicate to me that cold weather is about to hit us. Can't I please hibernate for the winter. Please let me stay in my warm bed. If not for Second Hand Chic shopping sprees, I would really never, never, ever get out of bed during this frigid season.

  5. Perhaps I need some more blankets from the Second Hand Chic to keep me warm?
