Here are a few of the items I scored at an estate sale this weekend. The sale started at 9 am and I was there on the hour but most of the furniture was already marked "sold". Hmmmm. Anyhow, the house was packed with people and I was not in the mood for crowds so I quickly grabbed some items and got into the check out line. Going to these sales is sometimes an exhausting ritual.

The best find of the day was this adorable little child's hutch. It's in mint condition.

Cub Scout book, tin and yardstick.

You know I can't resist old paintings...so charming.

Crochet doll dresses. These will need a good soaking.

Cute fifties toy chest. Has a few nicks in the vinyl but I could not resist those studs!

Of course, I am powerless to resist any chicken items!

This piece is not vintage but elephant items always are good sellers in the shop.

Blue Boy prints seem to do well, too.

A set of milk glass lamps. So sweet for a little girls room.

And lastly, I love these old art instruction manuals. I can just picture the bored and frustrated fifties housewife who perhaps was seeking more fulfillment than her domestic existence could provide for her. She longed to try her hand at painting. Maybe she did the landscape pictured above. After completing the work she proudly showed her husband. Hopefully he was pleased and displayed his approval.
I guess that is what draws me to these sales. There is a certain voyeuristic appeal to rifling through a complete strangers personal affects and imagining what their everyday life was like.
All of these items will be available for purchase in our shop this week.
Love, Kelly