This winter Poopsie and I purchased the piece of property next door. That's our house just to the right. It was such a steal we just had to snatch it up. The home is small (about 900 sq ft) and was occupied by an elderly couple so it had fallen in to disrepair. I guess we bought it mostly for the land.

But just look at this enormous backyard! I'm picturing a chicken coop over in the corner, a vegetable garden, maybe some herbs and flowers and of course, a stylish little potting shed and a big farm table situated under a large canopy for parties and bar-b-ques. Sigh. What a lot of work.

As you can see, the house needs some love....

I think the foundation is shifting. We had a contractor look at it yesterday and he'll give us a bid on the work we need to do to make it inhabitable. If it's too expensive maybe I'll end up turning the old house into the chicken coop/potting shed. This idea made Poopsie cringe.
For now the side yard of the house will be my painting area. Poopsie was kind enough to set up a large canopy for me. He was just glad to get all my projects out of the garage finally.

And believe me, I've got projects. This metal frame will make the perfect bench for my new garden if Poopsie can cut me a big piece of wood for the seat.

This picket fence needs to be taken apart and used to make markers for the garden.

A pretty vintage plant stand that needs a fresh new color.

Once Poopsie welds the legs back on to this Vintage iron bench it will be the perfect resting place next to the chicken coop.

Well, there's lots of work to do. When will I ever get around to putting in my garden? The garden might have to wait until next Spring. But for now, at least I have my new "Painting Garden".