Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Breif History of Second Hand Chic

It was the fall of 2005 and my new husband and I had just moved out of our cute but cramped 1920's Sugar House bungalow. My collections of vintage pottery, linens and various what-nots did not exactly "fit" into our new ranch style home. So my assortment of treasures sat in boxes in our garage until one day, I found myself between jobs. I got the brilliant idea to open a shop. My husband was less than thrilled with the concept; "No one will want to buy your old junk, Honey." I didn't listen.
I rented a huge, yet affordable space in the Millcreek area and four weeks later, I opened Second Hand Chic. Customer response was overwhelming. We are now in our fourth year of operation in our new Sugar House location and people still want to buy my "old junk."

Liz and my daughters, Leah and Emily.
They really love their jobs.

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