Inspired by a recent post on Miriam's blog
Abode and considering that Valentines day is up and coming, I thought I would devote this post to my sweetheart. Also known as Poopsie, John my wonderful husband of five years is without a doubt the BEST husband ever! Indulge me while I brag a bit....
John and I have known each other for several years. We met about 15 years ago because our daughters were friends in elementary school. About six years ago, Leah, John's daughter suggested that we should "date". Well, one year later, we were married!
When the girls were teenagers they started calling John "Poopsie" as a joke and the name has just stayed with him. Now all the girls in his life refer to him as Poopsie.
Well, Poopsie, although we met late in life, you were worth the wait. You are always there for me and I truly appreciate all that you do. Since this blog is about my little shop I must mention all that Poopsie does to help support me with my business: hauling furniture, fixing furniture, accompanying me to endless estate sales (he says that's the fun part because he finds stuff for his Cowboy Room). The list goes on...repairs around the shop, hanging heavy mirrors, unplugging clogged sinks, installing signs, shoveling snow. He even does all my payroll and taxes paperwork for me! What a prince! I'm a lucky gal, indeed.
Happy Valentines Day, Poopsie. I love you.